Development of information technology of correlation analysis of tourist demand
information technology modeling unit, tourist demand, correlation analysis, programming language RAbstract
The object of research is the process of automating information technology of the correlation analysis of tourist demand on the basis of a cognitive-statistical approach. One of the most problematic places is determination of the factors affecting tourism demand, so it is necessary to develop information technology of correlation analysis, which will allow to determine the factors that most affect tourism demand.
The paper substantiates the improvement of the method of correlation analysis of tourist demand is the calculation of the multiple correlation coefficient of tourist demand, a distinctive feature of which is to take into account both qualitative and quantitative parameters. The following factors are chosen for the analysis of tourist demand:
- the average wage per person in the tourism industry;
- tourism expenses;
- the number of collective accommodation facilities;
- the number of subjects of tourist activity;
- the number of recreation;
- release in basic prices and release by types of economic activity;
- capital investment by region;
- transport connection;
- ecological situation;
- infrastructure (subjective indicator).
A block of information technology for modeling and analysis is developed for the study of tourist demand which determines the correlation dependence between the factors influencing tourist demand. Information technology is developed in the R programming language, by the Shiny package, which enables the creation of interactive web applications and the simplicity of the developed technology for the average user.
The following factors affecting tourist demand are identified:
- the number of collective accommodation facilities;
- the number of subjects of tourist activity;
- the number of recreation;
- level of infrastructure based on subjective expertise.
As a result, based on the correlation analysis, a model of the process of formation of tourist demand on the basis of the cognitive-statistical method is built.
Thanks to this, it is possible to further develop the methodological foundations of the strategic planning of the development of subjects at the macro and micro levels, to develop regulatory, economic and socio-political mechanisms for the flexible development of tourism enterprises in certain regions based on qualitatively new principles.References
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